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  • Tuesday,August 16,2022

    Rhiannon Giddens was on CBS Sunday Morning to discuss Omar, the opera she wrote with Michael Abels, based on the life and autobiography of enslaved Muslim scholar Omar Ibn Said, who was forcefully brought to Charleston, SC from Africa in 1807. “We need to know their stories,” says Giddens, “and then we know more about who we are now.” You can watch their conversation here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsOn TourTelevisionVideo
  • Wednesday,August 3,2022

    Rhiannon Giddens was on PBS NewsHour to talk with Jeffrey Brown about her new role as artistic director of Silkroad, with whom she just concluded her first tour. "I love getting thrown something that I have never done before, but that I think I have the goods to do, but I have to figure out how to do it,” Giddens tells Brown. “And so I always say yes first and figure it out later.” You can watch Giddens’s conversation with Brown, who calls her "a boundless bridger of musical worlds and styles," here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Saturday,July 9,2022

    The Black Keys' Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney were on CBS Saturday Morning to talk with Anthony Mason about their twenty-year career and perform a Saturday Sessions set of two songs from their new album, Dropout Boogie—"Wild Child" and "It Ain't Over"—and "Gold on the Ceiling," from their album El Camino, which turned ten last year. You can watch the interview and three performances here. The band kicks off its North American Dropout Boogie tour in Las Vegas tonight.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevision
  • Thursday,June 23,2022

    Molly Tuttle was on PBS NewsHour to discuss her Nonesuch debut album, Crooked Tree, with her band Golden Highway, and how she got to where she is today. "Few women get named to those greatest all-time guitar-player lists that come out now and then," says host Judy Woodruff. "But as special correspondent Tom Casciato reports, there is one playing bluegrass who appears to be on her way." Casciato confirms: "Molly Tuttle is at the top of her profession." You can watch the profile here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Monday,May 30,2022

    Rhiannon Giddens performed in the National Memorial Day Concert on the National Mall in Washington, DC, last night. Giddens sang "Count on Me," a song she and Dirk Powell wrote and which she performed on the television show Nashville in 2017. You can watch her National Memorial Day Concert performance here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Wednesday,May 25,2022

    Punch Brothers were on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night to perform Jimmie Rodgers’ “Any Old Time,” from their new album, Hell on Church Street, a reimagining of, and homage to, the late bluegrass great Tony Rice’s landmark solo album Church Street Blues. You can watch the performance here. Punch Brothers perform at Telluride Bluegrass Festival, ROMP Fest, Ottawa Jazz Festival, and Blue Ox Music Festival in June and are then joined by Watchhouse and Sarah Jarosz for the American Acoustic tour across the US.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Saturday,April 9,2022

    Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway—Bronwyn Keith-Hynes (fiddle), Dominick Leslie (mandolin), Shelby Means (bass), and Kyle Tuttle (banjo)—were on CBS Saturday Morning to perform a Saturday Sessions set of three songs from their acclaimed new album, Crooked Tree: “She’ll Change,” “Over the Line,” and the title track. You can watch all three here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Sunday,April 3,2022

    Laurie Anderson was on CBS's 60 Minutes to talk with Anderson Cooper about her career in art and music, including her early hit single, "O Superman," and the debut album on which it appeared, Big Science, released 40 years ago this month. She also takes Cooper on a tour of her largest-ever US art exhibition, The Weather, at Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, DC. You can watch the interview as well as two 60 Minutes Overtime web exclusive pieces on the making of "O Superman" and the power of storytelling here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Sunday,March 20,2022

    Jeremy Denk was on CBS Sunday Morning to discuss his new book, Every Good Boy Does Fine, out this Tuesday on Random House. The book is "a performer's love song to the craft of the thing piano students usually hate: practice," says correspondent John Dickerson. You can watch their conversation here. Denk tells the New York Times: "I enjoy art that antagonizes you, and then, slowly, in an emotional striptease, reveals a gooey, loving center." Also on CBS Sunday Morning was Mandy Patinkin, to discuss Stephen Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Saturday,March 19,2022

    Punch Brothers were on CBS Saturday Morning to perform a Saturday Sessions set of three songs from their new album, Hell on Church Street: Jimmie Rodgers’ “Any Old Time,” the traditional tune “Cattle in the Cane,” and Norman Blake’s “Church Street Blues.” You can watch all three performances here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Tuesday,March 8,2022

    David Byrne was on NBC's The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to talk with Fallon about his famed suit from Stop Making Sense, writing music from a rental car, performing American Utopia on Broadway, and his new book of drawings, A History of the World (in Dingbats). He was joined by his cast mates to perform "Like Humans Do." Byrne joined Tariq from The Roots to face off against fellow guest Renée Zellweger and Fallon in a game of The Jinx. You can watch all of the above here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo
  • Saturday,March 5,2022

    David Byrne was on CBS Saturday Morning to talk with Anthony Mason about bringing American Utopia to Broadway and took Mason on a walk through his new art exhibition at Pace Gallery in NYC. He was also joined by his Broadway cast mates to perform "Burning Down the House," "Everybody's Coming to My House," and "Marching Through the Wilderness" in a Saturday Sessions set from the St. James Theatre, where the show is running through April 3. You can watch the conversation and three performances here.

    Journal Topics: Artist NewsTelevisionVideo

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