Three Penitential Visions utilizes tape technology and samples to create a three-movement electronic soundscape. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch hailed it and Hidden Voices, also featured here, as “quietly potent essays, as gorgeous in their subtle details as they are haunting in overall effect.”
The CD of this album is available to purchase at ArkivMusic.
Composed for a radio series sponsored by the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, Three Penitential Visions utilizes tape technology and samples to create a three-movement electronic soundscape. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch hailed it and Hidden Voices, also featured here, as “quietly potent essays, as gorgeous in their subtle details as they are haunting in overall effect.”
Three Penitential Visions
Mastered by Kris Solem, at 57th Street Stuido, Los Angeles
Hidden Voices
Multi-track engineering and preliminary mixing by Peter Randlette, Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
Vocal recording and mastering at Hip Pocket Studio, New York City
Engineered by Paul Zinman
Final mastering at New York Digital Recordings, New York City
Design: John Heiden
Photography: Jim Bengston
Executive Producer: Robert Hurwitz
Cheryl Bensman Rowe, soprano (4)
Three Penitential Visions is dedicated to Jim Bengston.
Hidden Voices is dedicated to the memory of the composer's mother, Bernice Douglass Marshall (1902 - 1987).