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  • Tuesday,April 20,2021

    The Jazz Journalists Association has announced the 2021 JJA Jazz Awards nominations, including three for Rob Mazurek for the new Exploding Star Orchestra album, Dimensional Stardust; all four members of the RoundAgain quartet, Joshua Redman, Brad Mehldau, Christian McBride, and Brian Blade; performers on Pat Metheny's album From This Place, including Metheny, Linda May Han Oh, and Grégoire Maret; Jeff Parker for Suite for Max Brown; and Cécile McLorin Salvant, whose Nonesuch debut album is forthcoming.

    Journal Topics: Artist News
  • Tuesday,February 9,2021

    Chris Thile, Cécile McLorin Salvant, Rhiannon Giddens, Jeremy Denk, Mandy Patinkin, Gaby Moreno, and Nico Muhly will take part in NY PopsUp, a festival featuring hundreds of pop-up performances—many of which are free of charge and all open to the public—throughout New York City and State. Additionally, Thile and Salvant are on a council of artistic advisors partnering with curator Zack Winokur to program the series. NYPopsUp, which will run from Saturday, February 20, through Labor Day, will make stages out of existing landscapes, including iconic transit stations, parks, subway platforms, museums, skate parks, street corners, fire escapes, parking lots, storefronts, and upstate venues. The festival is being coordinated with state public health officials and will strictly adhere to Department of Health COVID-19 protocols.

    Journal Topics: Artist News, On Tour
  • Monday,January 11,2021

    Four conversation between Nonesuch Chairman Emeritus Bob Hurwitz and artists, presented last October for In Our Time, a series of online discussions he conceived for the New School's College of Performing Arts and UCLA, are now available to watch here. Hurwitz speaks with four artists whose creative lives and work have left an indelible mark in music, and arts and culture globally: Caetano Veloso, Julia Bullock, Laurie Anderson, and Cécile McLorin Salvant.

    Journal Topics: Artist News, Video
  • Friday,October 9,2020

    Singer and composer Cécile McLorin Salvant has been named a 2020 MacArthur Fellow. She was among the twenty-one new MacArthur Fellows for 2020 announced by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation this week. The annual fellowship, often referred to as the “Genius” grant, offers an unrestricted award of $625,000 over five years to individuals who, in the Foundation’s words, “have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.” Details of her Nonesuch debut album, which she began recording this week, will be announced in early 2021.

    Journal Topics: Artist News

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