Jeff Tweedy Talks Chicago with NY Times; Wilco Nominated for Four Chicago Music Awards

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With the election of Chicago favorite son Barack Obama to the Presidency, a considerable amount of outside attention has been paid of late to the city. The New York Times recently talked to another of the city's favorite sons, Jeff Tweedy, a longtime supporter of the President-elect, about changing perceptions of Chicago. Wilco tops the list of nominees for the 28th annual Chicago Music Awards: Songwriter of the Year for Jeff, plus Pop Entertainer of the Year, Best Rock Entertainer, and Most Outstanding Band or Group for Wilco.


With the election of Chicago favorite son Barack Obama to the Presidency, a considerable amount of outside attention has been paid of late to this city once dubbed the Second City by The New Yorker. The New York Times recently asked another of the city's favorite sons, Jeff Tweedy, a longtime Obama supporter, about changing perceptions of Chicago.

"I think people really do enjoy the idea that we’re living in the center of the world all of the sudden," Tweedy tells the Times. "There have been all these prevailing stereotypes, and people don’t know how big and urban Chicago actually is. People think of it as being in a cornfield."

The article "A New Wind Is Blowing in Chicago," can be found at

One aspect of life in Chicago that certainly pre-dates the current media focus is its contribution to the world of music. Tweedy and Wilco call it home, and their own contribution has been recognized with the most nominations for the 28th annual Chicago Music Awards. Jeff has been nominated as Songwriter of the Year, and the band is in the running for Pop Entertainer of the Year, Best Rock Entertainer, and Most Outstanding Band or Group. The awards ceremony, dedicated to the President-elect, will be held on January 18, 2009. To cast your vote and order tickets for the Chicago Music Awards, visit

Wilco 1
  • Monday, November 24, 2008
    Jeff Tweedy Talks Chicago with NY Times; Wilco Nominated for Four Chicago Music Awards
    Mary Ellen Matthews

    With the election of Chicago favorite son Barack Obama to the Presidency, a considerable amount of outside attention has been paid of late to this city once dubbed the Second City by The New Yorker. The New York Times recently asked another of the city's favorite sons, Jeff Tweedy, a longtime Obama supporter, about changing perceptions of Chicago.

    "I think people really do enjoy the idea that we’re living in the center of the world all of the sudden," Tweedy tells the Times. "There have been all these prevailing stereotypes, and people don’t know how big and urban Chicago actually is. People think of it as being in a cornfield."

    The article "A New Wind Is Blowing in Chicago," can be found at

    One aspect of life in Chicago that certainly pre-dates the current media focus is its contribution to the world of music. Tweedy and Wilco call it home, and their own contribution has been recognized with the most nominations for the 28th annual Chicago Music Awards. Jeff has been nominated as Songwriter of the Year, and the band is in the running for Pop Entertainer of the Year, Best Rock Entertainer, and Most Outstanding Band or Group. The awards ceremony, dedicated to the President-elect, will be held on January 18, 2009. To cast your vote and order tickets for the Chicago Music Awards, visit

    Journal Articles:Artist News

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